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Compare Auto Insurance Premiums and Rates and Find Affordable Rates

Your car insurance premium is a very important part of your policy, and can determine whether or not your auto insurance is affordable. It is beneficial to know what the average premium for car insurance is in your state, so that you can find the best policy and pay the right price. Best Auto has collected the data from the Insurance Institute of America and is passing our knowledge on to you. Once you have compared premiums between the states you will be better prepared for your free quote, which will help guide you between each car insurance company in your state.

Average Cost of Car Insurance Premium in Each State

State Average Premium Premium Ranking
Alabama $1,380.38 30
Alaska $1,572.21 15
Arizona $1,152.50 43
Arkansas $1,648.80 11
California $1,774.41 5
Colorado $1,480.97 20
Connecticut $1,678.90 10
District of Columbia $1,405.80 27
Delaware $1,753.19 7
Florida $1,453.20 25
Georgia $1,751.42 8
Hawaii $1,306.97 32
Idaho $1,183.47 40
Illinois $1,679.15 9
Indiana $1,302.51 33
Iowa $1,039.04 46
Kansas $1,524.51 18
Kentucky $1,515.30 19
Louisiana $2,510.87 1
Maine $902.85 51
Maryland $1,550.13 17
Massachusetts $1,043.80 45
Michigan $2,098.29 2
Minnesota $1,381.09 29
Mississippi $1,474.94 21
Missouri $1,390.59 28
Montana $1,857.96 4
Nebraska $1,210.74 38
Nevada $1,282.50 34
New Hampshire $1,011.23 47
New Jersey $1,473.73 22
New Mexico $1,603.65 12
New York $1,463.21 23
North Carolina $1,130.45 44
North Dakota $1,365.22 31
Ohio $999.86 49
Oklahoma $1,869.39 3
Oregon $1,194.69 39
Pennsylvania $1,420.78 26
Rhode Island $1,595.97 13
South Carolina $1,182.18 41
South Dakota $1,772.83 6
Tennessee $1,170.12 42
Texas $1,462.65 24
Utah $1,234.30 36
Vermont $968.58 50
Virginia $1,233.36 37
Washington $1,279.84 35
West Virginia $1,589.69 14
Wisconsin $1,010.93 48
Wyoming $1,552.98 16